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Duración: 29:57

Categoría: Deportes

Subido por: guycito

Reproducido: 2231 veces

La repesca en Europa. Entrevista a Feliz Cerna, Secretario de la Facultad de Gestión de la PUCP.

Etiquetas: entrevista , europa , mundiales , repechaje , felix cerna

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Los mundiales de tu vida - Programa 11 (Parte 2)
  • Actualmente 3.57/5
  • LALA
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 Ranking: 3.6/5.0 (58 votos)
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rUB4i71N dijo el 09/05/16:
Si no se gastara Vd. tanto en agasajar al padre Emilio podr
OB8sVIS1Jj9 dijo el 08/05/16:
1on An kai de to exo dei opote mono apo fimes mporo na po oti einai 41cm (16.1 inches sto diethnes sustima metrisis peous)2on Apo tis treis i sosti apantisi einai i uperoxi Viku Mosxoliou3on An kai pistevo to thema den einai pos grafetai - alla pos trogetai - nomizo to proto mou kanei pio sosto logo plithuntikou a href=""arhStmou!tefxarisioume/a prokatavolika ego kai to stefani o,ti apotelesma ki an gvalei i soupiera tis giagias!
oasroTY6J8 dijo el 07/05/16:
[..YouTube..] Don8217;t get dis.guraoedc
HC4Oq2gGgCnK dijo el 07/05/16:
LOVE the a href=""kes.wiefr..cahesome/a idea for the headband tube!!! And cute mermaid tails!! Hope you have an nice and safe New Year!! How EXCITING about a new craftying will have lots of fun, and I am sure will inspire MANY!! :D
TDs46jyYbY dijo el 06/05/16:
I couldn8217;t disagree with you more, there are two elections and the one in November is a rubberstamp of one of the candidates selected now. While certainly boring, as most important things are, it not inl.tnificangiWhise I will grant you the clowns running are a sorry lot to my way of thinking it is all the more reason to pay attention- we need the best of them because there isn8217;t much there to begin with.