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Duración: 01:27

Categoría: Política

Subido por: idehpucp

Reproducido: 2314 veces

Pepe Posse, secretario general del PSOE en Lima, explicó la importancia dlel Rey Juan Carlos I en al ámbito nacional e internacional.

Etiquetas: espana , democracia , rey de españa , pablo perez , pepe posse , juan carlos i , abdicacion , principe , monarquia

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Rol de Juan Carlos I en el ámbito nacional e internacional
  • Actualmente 2.77/5
  • LALA
  • LALA
  • LALA
  • LALA
  • LALA
 Ranking: 2.8/5.0 (52 votos)
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AtgTu0sy3C dijo el 22/07/16:
Interesting thoughts. I agree. The starters seem to run the triangle better when Luke is in the starting line up. He does a lot of the little things that often get overlooked. He does a lot of the things that Fox used to do, initiating the offense, cutting, spacing, setting screens. He just is not as good a shooter or defender as fox was. Now if only we could combine ll three of our starting SF8217;s. Arz1i82a7;s athleticism, lateral quickness, long arms and hustle, Vlade8217;s shooting, and Luke8217;s passing and high IQ. We8217;d have a perennial all star. Actually we8217;d have a better shooting Scottie Pippen.