Duración: 01:39
Categoría: Política
Subido por: idehpucp
Reproducido: 1920 veces
Enrique Cornejo, excandidato a la alcaldía de Lima por el APRA
Etiquetas: municipalidad de lima , castañeda , enrique cornejo
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f6ap9kl1YJ dijo el 29/10/15:
First, I do believe there is some vienntg, it feels like we are being sold out by American firms and politicians to over-seas companies. Next, positive or negative you must be objective and show the good, bad, and ugly. Too many of the media tell us what to think; show us the picture and let us think. Finally, tell us how companies are reacting to whatever, and how we should plan. I agree with Fred we are in it everyday and we dont want puff we want real stuff! [url=]mmbvkzmx[/url] [link=]iyrkoruql[/link]
First, I do believe there is some vienntg, it feels like we are being sold out by American firms and politicians to over-seas companies. Next, positive or negative you must be objective and show the good, bad, and ugly. Too many of the media tell us what to think; show us the picture and let us think. Finally, tell us how companies are reacting to whatever, and how we should plan. I agree with Fred we are in it everyday and we dont want puff we want real stuff! [url=]mmbvkzmx[/url] [link=]iyrkoruql[/link]
fAXvODqzat dijo el 29/10/15:
Some of the comments to the Blog posts area href="" iedned/a venting but many of the Blog posts themselves related to hiring at least here in the Silicon Valley appear to be highly unrealistic. Many of my colleagues and I really do wonder where you folks get your information as it does not reflect what many of us are seeing nor experiencing.If you truly believe what you are posting in your Blogs, I would recommend that perhaps you do your research and follow what some (3 or 4) job seekers are really going through so that you can see for yourself In the olden days, this would be considered investigative reporting.
Some of the comments to the Blog posts area href="" iedned/a venting but many of the Blog posts themselves related to hiring at least here in the Silicon Valley appear to be highly unrealistic. Many of my colleagues and I really do wonder where you folks get your information as it does not reflect what many of us are seeing nor experiencing.If you truly believe what you are posting in your Blogs, I would recommend that perhaps you do your research and follow what some (3 or 4) job seekers are really going through so that you can see for yourself In the olden days, this would be considered investigative reporting.
pmmDGEgnVPq dijo el 25/10/15:
Get a job a the Y.M.C.A ,Boys club of America Or what ever local agency you have that tries to impvroe their community through children,share and teach you skills.
Get a job a the Y.M.C.A ,Boys club of America Or what ever local agency you have that tries to impvroe their community through children,share and teach you skills.