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Duración: 51:46

Categoría: Cultura

Subido por: ide

Reproducido: 3031 veces

Una selección musical de antiguos valses y polcas populares que aún bailan los descendientes de los primeros colonos alemanes en la selva central, y que forma parte de la enorme diversidad musical de nuestro país. Gran parte de este repertorio es interpretado en acordeón por el señor Juan K

Etiquetas: musica , canto , danza , andina , pozuzo , pasco

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MUSICAS DEL PERU: Tradiciones musicales de Pozuzo, Pasco (15-enero-2015)
  • Actualmente 3.26/5
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 Ranking: 3.3/5.0 (53 votos)
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mGYGqLw4Y dijo el 21/12/15:
I was wondering what some of the more a href=""matrue/a members here do about dating. It seems much harder for to find a mate, so I might be turning to online dating for older singles.any suggestions? thanks.
Ns7G6zBY0 dijo el 19/12/15:
Interesting thought I didnt come away from class with the same fenlieg, but after reading your post, I realize that I did enjoy the wiki and found that it had a separate pupose than the blog. With the blog, I do well to visit my mirrors blogs and yours (because I really like reading your posts) I just dont have time to visit everyones because there is so much rich information to read and we all post fenliegs that reflect very personal fenliegs and thoughts. Each blog is very different in content.With the wiki, it was more like an ongoing dialogue where there is one focus question and everyone is talking about the same thing. I also like Dr. Carters questions on the wiki because they force me to think about the readings more deeply and often differently than the context I used to read through the first time.So I suggest on the September 25 wiki page that we keep the wiki questions as optional. It wont necessarily help the fenlieg of being connect to everyone if we go that route, but it would keep us dialoguing on the topics.