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Duración: 41:12

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Reproducido: 1136 veces

Programa de radio de Letras al Mango 23-07-2015


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Letras al Mango 23-07-2015
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 Ranking: 3.0/5.0 (21 votos)
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aTeCuhTB dijo el 25/10/15:
, Hon, I thought we a href=""ageerd/a you werent going to forward these kinds of emails to me. My friend, you see, is a Pagan Wiccan and was offended by the closing of my prayer In Jesus name. I assured her I hadnt forwarded anything but had written the prayer myself. Then I told her it really wasnt all about her. That day was the beginning of the slow demise of our friendship, which is held together by the bond with our other two college roommates and a very thin thread. I still pray for her, though and have hope that someday she will know the love of God. Peace, LindaLinda Kruschke recently posted..
UpmpDci1 dijo el 25/10/15:
Veggies:) And protines. Carbohydrates, in potaeots, bread, rice, pasta etc, often makes you gain weight. Fruits are good too, but there is a lot of sugar in them, so 2 portions of fruit a day is plenty.But since she is so old, I recomend that she sees a doctor before doing a radical change in her diet.