Duración: 37:10
Categoría: General
Subido por: zonapucp
Reproducido: 1058 veces
Programa Letras al Mango 13-08-2016
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XHxgf4I97 dijo el 29/10/15:
Buy your dad a cookie cake. you can get them at netlse . but what im doing is buying my dad a cookie cake and putting a bat and baseball on it . or maybe a motorcycle . put a picture on it with something your dad like to do . let say like hockey put a hockey stick on it .And dont buy any thing for your sister . or u can buy something cheap for her maybe from the dollar store . [url=]fpczqt[/url] [link=]tqnzpfvns[/link]
Buy your dad a cookie cake. you can get them at netlse . but what im doing is buying my dad a cookie cake and putting a bat and baseball on it . or maybe a motorcycle . put a picture on it with something your dad like to do . let say like hockey put a hockey stick on it .And dont buy any thing for your sister . or u can buy something cheap for her maybe from the dollar store . [url=]fpczqt[/url] [link=]tqnzpfvns[/link]
Qj7tHUi2h dijo el 29/10/15:
As I have advised manya href="" poeple/a, call up your local Department of Labor and inquire about a career in IT. You will be informed that IT has been off-shored to India and that Indians are being in-sourced by the thousands.You will also be informed of the annual survey of 5,000 Medium to Large Businessed in the NYC/Long Island vicinity who strongly prefer low-cost foreigners to US graduates.The Hempstead, NY Department of Labor cancelled all IT training back in 2009 due to failure to place ANY individuals regardless of age, race or nationality; US citizens need not apply.Remember that Congress is beholden to a college drop-out by the name of Bill Gates who frequently informs Congress that Americans dont have the skills for the 21st century.I guess all of the American developers who built Office and Visual Studio all died; I wonder if Mr. Gates attended any of the funerals.
As I have advised manya href="" poeple/a, call up your local Department of Labor and inquire about a career in IT. You will be informed that IT has been off-shored to India and that Indians are being in-sourced by the thousands.You will also be informed of the annual survey of 5,000 Medium to Large Businessed in the NYC/Long Island vicinity who strongly prefer low-cost foreigners to US graduates.The Hempstead, NY Department of Labor cancelled all IT training back in 2009 due to failure to place ANY individuals regardless of age, race or nationality; US citizens need not apply.Remember that Congress is beholden to a college drop-out by the name of Bill Gates who frequently informs Congress that Americans dont have the skills for the 21st century.I guess all of the American developers who built Office and Visual Studio all died; I wonder if Mr. Gates attended any of the funerals.
0D0E0J1jcod dijo el 27/10/15:
Your graphics at the top of the page are intsteering.Its intsteering to note that while the ice extent is reducing the ice appears to be getting much denser as demonstrated by the large increases over the 3 days of the dark purple regions.The Capie area to extent graphic ends on the 215th day. It does not cover the 217th, 218th, and 219th days, which are the days of the year (Aug 4-6) you posted for the ice extent change.This may lead to great misunderstanding of what is going on up there.Bill [url=]jxycza[/url] [link=]ooxrlksh[/link]
Your graphics at the top of the page are intsteering.Its intsteering to note that while the ice extent is reducing the ice appears to be getting much denser as demonstrated by the large increases over the 3 days of the dark purple regions.The Capie area to extent graphic ends on the 215th day. It does not cover the 217th, 218th, and 219th days, which are the days of the year (Aug 4-6) you posted for the ice extent change.This may lead to great misunderstanding of what is going on up there.Bill [url=]jxycza[/url] [link=]ooxrlksh[/link]
3OxtUEu24Ov dijo el 25/10/15:
hola soy matias de rarsoio me gustaria participar en la casa mas famosa .soy fanatico de gran hermano me gustaria convivir esta experiencia tengo mucho por contar soy un personaje y soy caradura delante de camaras .no tengo novia si no soy mujeriego me gustan las mujeres me llevo muy bien con ellas el maximo desafio mio es jugar y ganar,,,a la ves ser yo el personaje tengo 23 af1os espero una respuesta para el proximo gran hermano .besos matias .
hola soy matias de rarsoio me gustaria participar en la casa mas famosa .soy fanatico de gran hermano me gustaria convivir esta experiencia tengo mucho por contar soy un personaje y soy caradura delante de camaras .no tengo novia si no soy mujeriego me gustan las mujeres me llevo muy bien con ellas el maximo desafio mio es jugar y ganar,,,a la ves ser yo el personaje tengo 23 af1os espero una respuesta para el proximo gran hermano .besos matias .