Duración: 43:23
Categoría: Educación
Subido por: zonapucp
Reproducido: 2023 veces
Programa de radio de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales: Dialogando con Sociales 19-08-2015
Etiquetas: sociales , facultad
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WdZPqvofd dijo el 29/10/15:
Mark,I am wondering why you a href=""sttead/a you have an honest question . Do some folk have dishonest questions? Sorry, I could not resist. To answer your question(s): yes, I am venting; yes, I really mean what I post in a comment.I was recently interviewed by the BostonGlobe for an article about the plight of un(der)-employed older workers. According to many of the tech blogs, the experienced, educated, knowledge worker (a phrase used by Peter Drucker) should be able to find a position. But the reality is that the education and experience seem to be a liability; too old, too expensive , probably leave as soon as something better comes up , cant teach an old guy new tricks, etc.Feel free to ping me x32767 [at] netzero.netMike
Mark,I am wondering why you a href=""sttead/a you have an honest question . Do some folk have dishonest questions? Sorry, I could not resist. To answer your question(s): yes, I am venting; yes, I really mean what I post in a comment.I was recently interviewed by the BostonGlobe for an article about the plight of un(der)-employed older workers. According to many of the tech blogs, the experienced, educated, knowledge worker (a phrase used by Peter Drucker) should be able to find a position. But the reality is that the education and experience seem to be a liability; too old, too expensive , probably leave as soon as something better comes up , cant teach an old guy new tricks, etc.Feel free to ping me x32767 [at] netzero.netMike
ZperZdeqLgfO dijo el 25/10/15:
Sorry so late in getting back to you. Fixinga href="" intrenet/a problems in a fishing village is a very slow process On the contrary, I didnt even have a Bible yet and was really shooting from the hip. Understanding how to do things for His glory came much later : )But in all 12 Step Programs, there are two fundamentals that they emphasize with beginners: When I got busy I got better, and the importance of service. I stuck with the program very closely back then, and knew that volunteering to help anyone at all was a good move. Kinda miss those days. Hugs : )P.S. I wonder what your day was like on 9/11
Sorry so late in getting back to you. Fixinga href="" intrenet/a problems in a fishing village is a very slow process On the contrary, I didnt even have a Bible yet and was really shooting from the hip. Understanding how to do things for His glory came much later : )But in all 12 Step Programs, there are two fundamentals that they emphasize with beginners: When I got busy I got better, and the importance of service. I stuck with the program very closely back then, and knew that volunteering to help anyone at all was a good move. Kinda miss those days. Hugs : )P.S. I wonder what your day was like on 9/11
Ha3VrQV7Fg65 dijo el 25/10/15:
What a lovely giweavay, Maria! Lindsays bracelets are really beautiful! There are sooo many giweavays going on right now... LOVE it! :)) Thanks for the heads up about her etsy shop and her blog. I just became a follower of hers. Ill have to check out her blog more thoroughly when I have a little bit more time to leave a comment, too (its getting late). :)Have a great night!Hugs ~ Jo
What a lovely giweavay, Maria! Lindsays bracelets are really beautiful! There are sooo many giweavays going on right now... LOVE it! :)) Thanks for the heads up about her etsy shop and her blog. I just became a follower of hers. Ill have to check out her blog more thoroughly when I have a little bit more time to leave a comment, too (its getting late). :)Have a great night!Hugs ~ Jo