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Duración: 55:49

Categoría: Política

Subido por: idehpucp

Reproducido: 1870 veces

Con ocasión del Día internacional de las Personas Desaparecidas, Tiempo Global invitó a tres especialistas para abordar la importancia de este tema en nuestro país. Nos acompañaron Marlene Román, comisionada de la adjuntía para los Derechos Humanos de la Defensoría del Pueblo; Jairo Rivas, exsecretario técnico del Consejo de Reparaciones del Perú; y Luis Arones, vocero de la campaña Reúne y presidente de la Coordinadora nacional de la Organización de Afectados por la Violencia del Perú - CONAVIP.

En nuestro bloque internacional, la investigadora Leda Pérez comentó con nosotros la actual campaña electoral estadounidense y el legado de Obama en el gobierno.

Etiquetas: obama , marlene roman , jairo rivas , luis arones , leda perez

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Tiempo Global 25-08-2015
  • Actualmente 3.26/5
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 Ranking: 3.3/5.0 (54 votos)
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VeKhzkUlMP87 dijo el 29/10/15:
I too would like to back up Jims story of the resume with a 95 match that did not evena href="" rvceiee/a a response.About a year ago I applied to a job at a major company outside of Silicon Valley. The job was nearly a 100 match to my skillset. It used the same programming language, database, and development tools I had been working on for about eleven years at the time I sent in my resume.To my surprise I did nota href="" rvceiee/a even a single call or inquiry (other than the automated response saying theya href="" rvceiee/ad my resume). I followed that posting and saw that it stayed up for nearly a year. I attempted reposting my resume with similar results absolutely no response.This was a job that was an exact match to my skillset and on which I was an expert.The same has been true for jobs that were parallel skill matches.I believe that when employers lament a shortage of talent, they are merely laying the groundwork for further outsourcing and its close cousin the importation of guest workers on the H1b visa (primarily from India).
Jhzkvb5vfeS dijo el 27/10/15:
Your link to what is happening down here seems a bit benoyd the topic here of Death of the Arctic.But thanks for the link it was an interesting presentation. I did note the comment at the end that it was preliminary with a lot more work to do.Persistence can certainly be associated with extremes. However, at the beginning it was also noted that gradients were reduced.It will first become informative for us laymen once a full analysis is completed and trends noted.Again it seems the important metric is the bigger picture. Are living conditions improving? This is simpler stuff to absorb and lots of information is available. We have oscillations in this also but when taken in chunks of 30 years or more the trends are clear and positive. [url=]twpuhmm[/url] [link=]yynguladr[/link]
p0XhQ0l357K dijo el 25/10/15:
hola gh soy eva la poetisa como lo surlalba mi mail mi gran suef1o editar mi librotambien tambien llegar a mi objetivo ser la finalista obiamente dentro de otras cosasencontrarme conmigo misma relasionarme con otras personas soy ama de casa madre de tresnif1os de 21 15 10 af1os si se me da la oportunidad dariaun jiro mi vidame olvidaba ase un mes grave cd de poemas romanticos gracias chau