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Duración: 47:53

Categoría: Economía & Finanzas

Subido por: zonapucp

Reproducido: 2076 veces

Programa de Zona Pucp 2012


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02 chinas y lukas 16oct
  • Actualmente 3.23/5
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 Ranking: 3.2/5.0 (30 votos)
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43JzYcZKOx dijo el 27/10/15:
Linda, wildfires cunitnoe to pop up, devastating loss of property, and some casualties of people who got trapped with no way out. The area around our kids home is contained for now, but still being tended to keep down the danger of the wind spreading it again. The forecast calls for high winds this evening, so we are praying hard. And still praying for rain. Thanks for sharing this with your readers. All prayers are appreciated.Jan recently posted.. [url=]nagrto[/url] [link=]vemebu[/link]
t08CH4uWG dijo el 25/10/15:
Your post has moved the debate a href=""foradrw./a Thanks for sharing!
uAMj0j7AKbay dijo el 25/10/15:
Ahora sed, don Hugo, le pasaron el tip muy tarde. Ya canuvea este1 dando patadas de ahogado. Incluso a dos de los administradores, -uno argentino, el otro, chileno- les este1n iniciando un proceso penal por violacif3n de derechos. Saludos