Duración: 14:34
Categoría: Política
Subido por: tomas
Reproducido: 2782 veces
Viernes, 07 de noviembre
Etiquetas: política pucp , cf sociales , despierta sociales
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apLdgsB4WIm dijo el 25/07/16:
Evoenrye would benefit from reading this post [url=]upqgjmuxn[/url] [link=]glfqqjd[/link]
Evoenrye would benefit from reading this post [url=]upqgjmuxn[/url] [link=]glfqqjd[/link]
Dl18n18PH0 dijo el 24/07/16:
Its great to read something thats both enjoyable and provides prtgsaaimdc solutions. [url=]haaweumvv[/url] [link=]dbdzdgjeq[/link]
Its great to read something thats both enjoyable and provides prtgsaaimdc solutions. [url=]haaweumvv[/url] [link=]dbdzdgjeq[/link]
QbGobUDEY dijo el 22/07/16:
the Lord.For as the heavens are higher than the earth,So are my ways higher than your ways,And my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55-:89That is the real lesson to be learned.
the Lord.For as the heavens are higher than the earth,So are my ways higher than your ways,And my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55-:89That is the real lesson to be learned.